When people come in for a session I often ask them " how is your body", but given my soft voice nature some people don't hear what I say. The other day someone mistook body for buddy... and It hit me that, that is exactly the same thing.
Our bodies are our best friends we can possibly make in this life. Are you waiting for the love of your life? Dig right on in and listen to your own beating heart.
how is your body buddy? No matter how in depth I study myself, my body, and how to take care of our temples... I find an ever present amount of avoidance lurking in unnoticed corners. I put my blinders on and try to press through. Blinders can be temporary survival skill tools, but for any length of time, they reak havoc on our systems. not until we press our presence into those corners with our witness do we find our way to where we want to be. the load gets lighter. Don't let your life pass you by with your blinders on. "your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it " Rumi.
Body work is a way to have both time and help in connecting with the hidden barriers within us.
For my body temple this year I plan to go to yoga teacher training at the house of the gathering yoga school right here in Duluth. I am going to use this time as a means to press inward and further understand my self and what holds me back from my dreams.
For Valentines day I am going to the cities, the day before the big day (as a movement to spread the idea of loving ones self first) on a fun adventure to do a massage pop up at Imbue yoga!called: Love yourself First massage pop up (click to face book event) I am excited to spread the work I do out of my bubble of Duluth. I hope to make it a monthly adventure. be sure to let me know if you want to get on the list, or if you want details about the musical show Mary Bue and I will do that night.
Love yourself first- sincerely, Kristy Marie