Be here now, a mantra as well as a book title left to us by the great spiritual teacher Ram Das, who left his earthly body on December 22nd, has me feeling very present. I suddenly feel a gravity holding me to the earth as you fly beyond the beyond. I am not that sad about you going… even though I would have loved to sit with you more. The look in your eyes was always bridging between the cosmos and the earth… so much love radiating through you. I can feel you in my own chest. My own soul connected to the cosmos, my being anchored on the earth… here, ready and willing to serve the greatest good of all things.

We are going to die and we don’t know when, and until we do, our lives are not understood, fully.

"Love everyone and tell the truth" said Ram Das... and. So, I feel compelled to write out how I came to meet this man, and experience him… before I knew of his worldly presence and deep teachings. I was just a naive child playing in the sand box of the mystery… and the magnetism drew me in… and held in pure resonance and beauty.

Here is a little story I have never shared publicly... and so it goes, telling the truth… regardless of how it is held against me. (I grew up with a keen awareness on not sharing things people could condemn you for)

When I was very young (13 years old) I learned about Timothy Leary and  Richard Alpert (Ram Das), and their experience at Harvard  university in the 60's. I had done a little research on the internet. This was before the internet was so wide spread and the info sought after at any whim, on the tips of our fingertips. Before most people had a cell phones and when most computers were stationary in homes and offices .... I don’t remember ever doing any other research on the computer at that time in my life. I was much more likely to try and find a book at the library.

Timothy Leary was the only one that stood out to me because of his clear stance on psychedelics.  I had already had an experience with psychedelics that cracked my mind and heart open to understanding the smallness of our human experience.... during this experience I became a worm in the earth, part of me realized I was a human... having a worm experience. :) and could see all of a sudden how small we are in the eyes of the universe. All of a sudden I was not so pressured by the woes of my human story, that had previously felt so daunting and traumatic. It put my problems into perspective.  

Many years later at a rainbow gathering in Mt Shasta California 2004, I ended up getting lead to Ram Das by one of my dearest Maui friends. Word had spread that he was there and when I found him under the shade of a tree, 20 or more people were waiting there to sing him a song. I thought, "who is this guy?!" I watched as many people poured their hearts out to him.  I left that moment feeling bright and light, with no real concept of who he was and what he stood for. If people would have dropped the name Timothy Leary I would have had a light bulb lit,and some sort of story to attach to him… instead I was left just with the experience of love attached to no story.

I lived in Maui at the time, that I met him…

Shortly after this meeting, Ram Das moved to Maui. After his stroke traveling became harder and harder for him so he choose to go there and stay. He mostly, if not completely stayed there, and had people come to him, from all over the world. from there on out, he built a strong sangha (spiritual community ) around him, and held many retreats on the island there. Most teachings he did at a distance were done by Skype. 

One day I randomly ran into him at the dentist, because he I guess had teeth too! ;) And there he was, catching me without a guitar. I wanted to sing him a song, I felt naked and curious, all the more who he was. 

That following Christmas I got the coconut wireless invitation to his home for satsong (devotional singing ) ... and I went along. Again inward immersed in the swell of sacred songs being sung to him and around him . He grabbed my hand there and poured love into my soul without any words through his eyes… it was a very darshan experience. I knew I was blessed in that glance, and always was blessed… and always will be blessed. It was as if the mere fact that he was so held in peace and love that he fortified all the peace in love in my being that was already there…and everything else fell away.

At his house I saw his books that he had written.. and all the pictures of his Guru and Hanumon … and began to kind of place him, by understanding his accomplishments and his associations. none of which really mattered to me. For my sensitive heart didn’t need to know anything more than what I found in the essence of purity I felt.

I learned that Ram Das saw this all being love as the love of his Guru Maharaji, this is an initiatic loving lineage he was a part of, that traveled on the hearts of the people and inspired the other hearts by living and leading a life full of example. 

Psychedelics were still a part of my life… although they had fallen away from being recreational to being a very intentional spiritual practice in my life — through a very traditional way. full of intention and prayer. Out of respect to the tradition, I will not disclose , right now, what path that was.

simultaneously I was walking with the sufi’s, for the sufi’s had been on Maui for a long time holding ground in beautiful practices that assisted others in experiencing God within… Ram Das was a huge supporter of the Sufi path. he would often show up at the Maui Sufi camps, even before he lived on the island. Both Ram Das and the sufi’s are full of Bhakti practices and feel very at home together.

I got initiated as a Sufi… and continued for some time walking strongly in both the psychedelic path and the Sufi bhakti path.

when I moved from Maui to the Midwest, I ached for my spiritual community… I had asked in prayer for the medicine and community to find me over here, and it did. however, the mainland is quite different than the islands in this respect and I did not feel as at home as I had hoped to feel. My spiritual path lead me to setting down the (psychedelic ) medicine path… and picking up the spiritual practices that can bring you peace within, without anything drug induced. And therefore useful anywhere that you find yourself. I mostly use Bhakti yoga and reciting sacred names with malas, and more and more I also use yoga.

when making this change… I often thought of Ram Das and his stories of his guru and how he began to find a way , within his own being, to do and transcend without any substances. after all, psychedelics are only uncovering that which already exists within you… there are other ways to access this information.

The last time I saw Ram Das, was in Maui last April at the death doula international conference, that he was featured at.. along with my Sufi teacher’’s (Leila Be) husband, Bodhi Be . It was clear that his earthly time was nearing an end. For many years he had been teaching everyone in his life and listening to his teachings how to prepare for their own death and therefore, for his death. He maintained complete presence in the hear and now… serving the people in every moment, fully aware that at some unknown point he was going to leave. you can see how he sat with death on his shoulder by gazing into his eyes, even in a photograph.

side track— about a month before I went to Maui I had a dream where Krishna Das ( one of my all time favorite Bhakti musicians, who also has the same Guru as Ram Das — Maharaji) and I were sitting on the side of the hill of Duluth. we were looking out over the cresting horizon line at the lake, talking about consciousness not looking at one another. But rather at the horizon, being and knowing and surrendered to the mystery. well, it just so happened that Krishna Das showed up at the death doula conference as well, for he and Ram Das were very close. he spent a lot of time with him in the past 50 years, but especially in the past few as the time got nearer and nearer. he was incognito about his presence, I’m sure there were attendees that didn’t even know who he was or that he was there. I sat in the back, he stood behind me …. we didn’t say a word… we pondered greater consciousness around dying and therefore living while gazing at the horizon line of Ram Das before us as we all recited “ I am loving awareness” over and over.

even though he is gone… we have so many wonderful teaching left to us from him, and everything that he taught pointed you to go within… everything that you need is here right now. If you have a yearning to be more connected to this great soul and the great world, be as ever present as you can be everyplace that you are. there is no where to run, there is no where to hide… let gravity have you and don’t fight it.

Love. Serve. Remember.